Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


Honor: 73,974    [ Give / Take ]


96 entries this month

New Years Resolutions You Can Keep

15:21 Dec 31 2006
Times Read: 1,570

Are you sick of making the same resolutions year after year that you never keep? Why not promise to do something you can actually accomplish? Here are some resolutions that you can use as a starting point:

1. Gain weight. At least 30 pounds.

2. Stop exercising. Waste of time.

3. Read less. Makes you think.

4. Watch more TV. I've been missing some good stuff.

5. Procrastinate more. Starting tomorrow.

6. Not date any of the Baywatch cast.

7. Spend more time at work, surfing with the T1.

8. Take a vacation to someplace important: like, to see the largest ball of twine.

9. Not jump off a cliff just because everyone else did.

10. Stop bringing lunch from home: I should eat out more.

11. Not have eight children at once.

12. Get in a whole NEW rut!

13. Start being superstitious.

14. Personal goal: bring back disco.

15. Not wrestle with Jesse Ventura.

16. Not bet against the Minnesota Vikings.

17. Buy an '83 Eldorado and invest in a really loud stereo system.

18. Get the windows tinted. Buy some fur for the dash.

19. Speak in a monotone voice and only use monosyllabicwords.

20. Only wear jeans that are 2 sizes too small and use a chain or rope for a belt.

21. Spend my summer vacation in Cyberspace.

22. Not eat cloned meat.

23. Create loose ends.

24. Get more toys.

25. Get further in debt.

26. Not believe politicians.

27. Break at least one traffic law.

28. Not drive a motorized vehicle across thin ice.

29. Avoid transmission of inter-species diseases.

30. Avoid airplanes that spontaneously drop 1000 feet.

31. Stay off the MIR space station.

32. Not worry that the Y2K bug will cause the end of the world.

33. Get wired with high-speed net connections at home.

34. Not swim with pirhanas or sharks.

35. Associate with even worse business clients.

36. Spread out priorities beyond my ability to keep track of them.

37. Wait around for opportunity.

38. Focus on the faults of others.

39. Mope about my faults.

40. Never make New Year's resolutions again.




08:35 Dec 31 2006
Times Read: 1,569


It's a wonderful day in the Sirehood.

A wonderful day in the Sirehood.

Could you be one? Will you be one?

Wait- I am! I am!

Funny, week later and it hits me.





We have a Video?

00:50 Dec 31 2006
Times Read: 1,577

Rated the database, and found this on the TV shows section, a blast from my past.

The Young Ones. Oh…My… Gods! LOL I remember this show when it was on MTV at night, staying up to watch it.

To this day- when my friends and I get together to watch a movie, I have to do the…

“We have a video!” in a poor attempt at an English accent. :) If you ever seen the show- you would get that. lol

They just look at me, give each other the “She is making no sense again” look, and let it drop.

Seeing this listing just made me smile. :)

I wonder if it would be as funny today.

Best to keep it as a childhood memory, were it belongs.





04:34 Dec 30 2006
Times Read: 1,600

History is made.

Saddam is dead.

Civil war is how far behind?





Sister's boyfriend has made my journal... she will kill me!!

04:12 Dec 30 2006
Times Read: 1,604

On 03:50:42 Dec 30 2006 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

What are you doing online?

Worn out your man and put him to bed, did we?

LOL ;)

On 03:59:03 Dec 30 2006 Elemental wrote:

no I wore her out and am now playing with her thing she left online

( Comes to realise I am talking to my sisters boyfriend... the same one I just hinted she wore out. Well Hell! Now what? LOL )

On 04:01:56 Dec 30 2006 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

* covers my face, blushing, laughing*

Cough Cough

Hello (blank). How are you doing?




Closed for maintenance.

01:04 Dec 30 2006
Times Read: 1,609

"File Lodge is currently down for maintenance. Back soon! "

Found this as I tried to pull up the site.

And I so looked forward to working on the codes tonight.

And find out why the hell the music on my Portfolio stop working!


Ohh well.

*snaps fingers*



I feel really bad I can't do this tonight.

*skips out to have fun*

No codes tonight.




Mud slinging.

19:51 Dec 29 2006
Times Read: 1,618

“A smear campaign or smear tactic is a deliberate attempt by an individual or group to harm another individual's or group's reputation.

This tactic is also referred to as mud slinging.

Common targets are public officials, politicians, and political candidates.

To a lesser degree, the term can refer to an attempt to damage a private person's reputation.”

Wipes her face clean of mud, and walks away from the fight.

I will not play this game.

Please leave me out of it.




Friends list. :)

18:32 Dec 29 2006
Times Read: 1,620

New member came to visit, and left me a message that he is new and wanted to make a few new friends, lost on the site.

I sent back- sure. I remember when I first joined. How can I help, any questions?

He tells me his name and his beliefs in the vampire. O.K. To get the ball rolling I told him of mine. I also asked if he understood the friend’s list- not knowing just how much he understood the site. Let’s start with the small stuff and move up from there.

He did and he added me to his. Every had that feeling…checked and he had not added me. Must not know what membership perks are.

I sit here, thinking of how I would love to answer the message: :)

“Really? Then I show up on the right side of your screen? My icon is there?”


“No? You sure? I am not under the list of friends online?”


“Oh no… that is not good, my friend.”


“I went over to yours and there is a block on your friends list. Have you pissed off someone on the site?”

I smile, this fantasy getting way out of hand.

“NO! I did nothing. Why is it blocked?”

“I have not a clue. You seem like such a nice guy. But I think its best we do not talk anymore. I love this site to much for you to get me kicked off. Just take me off your list. I have to block you now.”

*Evil grin*

I wrote back. “Thanks for adding me. I will add you to.”





What a start ...

13:20 Dec 29 2006
Times Read: 1,625

What a way to start a Friday Morning, with a hangover... LOL

Thank You Elemental!

http://www.crazypig let.com/content/ 4377.html




Rant is Canceled. Sorry Folks!

02:49 Dec 29 2006
Times Read: 1,631

Rant scheduled time: Cancel.

Due to the shoulders of RedQueen, Nightgame, and Elemental, tonight’s rant is canceled.

What can I say? I have some lovely sisters. They listened, made me smile. They talked of bodily harm to a certain male whom shall remain nameless.

The guns came out, the pink tutu, sock puppets made, the soapbox painted a deep “Fuck me” purple. The childish behavior of the weaker sex discussed in length on. Plans made and plotted. Revenge sworn to happen (note- that was against me, not him. Funny how that happens. LOL ), and snot was spread about.

Feelings were hurt and love shared. Knowing I have friends like this …all I can say is…

Who the HELL needs enemies?

*Evil laughter* Just Kidding!

I love you all.





19:10 Dec 28 2006
Times Read: 1,641

I am so fighting a rant off today... Just pissed off about something. More like someone.

RedQueen- thank you for the support on the death row story. *hugs*

You are the highlight of my day, so far. :)

Rant---- I am trying to keep from doing it... but ....

How many hours till I try to go back to sleep? And can I sleep? As it upset me enough last night so I could not?

Yes sir- Rant when I get time to write it.

Be warn... it's coming.




LOL... Just such the sex goddess, I am. ;)

20:55 Dec 27 2006
Times Read: 1,655

On 20:33:26 Dec 27 2006 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

Hi... I am bored now. LOL

On 20:36:49 Dec 27 2006 Nikolai wrote:

*spanks ur vinyl covered ass*

On 20:37:45 Dec 27 2006 Vampirewitch39 wrote:


Stand ... rubbing it..

now I am bored and got a stinging ass to boot. ;)

On 20:38:30 Dec 27 2006 Nikolai wrote:

I can help... on both accounts

On 20:39:44 Dec 27 2006 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

I look at you and frown...

How? You going to talk to me as my ass stops burning?

:) And why does everyone hit my ass?




Such sweet words.

19:37 Dec 27 2006
Times Read: 1,658

Lovely sweet words I wanted to share with you.

Reviewed your Juror Qualification Form...reasons you gave for needing excused from jury service…You DO NOT have to appear for jury service…

Those words lead to these...

Ten days…vacation…Beach…sunrise…strawberry daiquiri…

:) Snoppy happy dance!! :)




Lunch with my sister... You have to love her!

17:43 Dec 26 2006
Times Read: 1,679

On 17:21:36 Dec 26 2006 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

hi sis.. what ya up tooo?

On 17:26:07 Dec 26 2006 Elemental wrote:

eating u?

On 17:29:44 Dec 26 2006 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

LOL... You are not eating me and that is JUST SICK!!!

Ohhh you mean you are eating lunch... :)

Just done with that- subway. Mmmm

What are ya eating? ( notice my southern twang here) lol

On 17:34:07 Dec 26 2006 Elemental wrote:

Not MY sick mind that went there. Was typing with one hand so.....you get shorthand. ;)

** Note- do not post anything to get your sister mad when she still has your Yule gift. ** ROFL. Life Lesson there.




Hints that you are my friend.

15:37 Dec 26 2006
Times Read: 1,694

Never thought I would have to post something like this, but….

Ways to tell if you ARE a friend of mine.

1. I am not polite to you. If I do not joke, fuss, or pick on you, then you are not a friend. Being polite is a sign I do like you, but not as a friend. Strange- but true.

2. If I write that I touch you- as in a hug, slap on the chest, or pulling of your ear to name a few- then understand that I am showing affection in a “friendly” matter.

3. If you make me mad- or upset, I am very quite. In person, you get one-word answers, and online I am the same. That is how you know you pissed me off, if I do not tell you first. But be warn- this also works if I just had a really bad day and just want to be left alone.

I hope that clears up some problems.

Of the people who think, I am their best friend, because I am nice to them.

People who take my playing as “picking” on them, making advances.

A hint to those I talk very little with.

It is getting to be a little to much for me.

And yes- I never said I was nice. If you though I was- then you need to read the list again.

But if I fight with you, pick on you, and talk your ear off- then you should count yourself damn lucky!

You are my friend and there is nothing you can do about it! So suck it up, cupcake.

* Laughter and wink *




Guess who? You will never guess...

15:14 Dec 26 2006
Times Read: 1,696

Guess who was the first to find out I became a Sire? Come on… guess. *taps my foot, waiting.* Ok – I will tell you because it shocked the hell out of me. LordLestat.

Yes, it was him.

Sunday night he message me to offer his congratulation, sorry that he did not offer them sooner.

Well… is that just cool or what?!




Made Sire. :)

14:40 Dec 26 2006
Times Read: 1,698

I became a Sire on Christmas Eve around noon. Never told anyone, as I knew Connie would make a thread. As she did- a day later when she found out on her own. *Sigh* But that is my sister, and I love her. :)

Sire. Wow. * Smiles * Makes me think of those I have talked with…not the ones who made Sire since I joined, but the ones here when I joined.

I think the first Sire who talked to me was Radu. As well as NightStalkerVamp. Both are very nice people, and made me feel welcome to the site. :)

I know he will hate this, but Stabb666 has been nice to me. Lot of people has problems with him, and I say they just need to get over it. Not the enemy people make him out to be. :) Trust me- he could chew me up and spit me out- but instead is nice to me the few times we have talked.

Robin3 is my Coven Master, and has welcomed me into her home with open arms. She is the one I know I can ask for help if I need any. She is just …nice. LOL And I do not run into many people I can say that about.

Dark Rider is another one of the sweet souls on this site. The word “Gentleman” just comes to mind when I think of him. So want that red coat. ;) It with my riding boots... lol

If these are the examples of the rest of the Sires- then I am in excellent company.

Cancer so needs to limit this club- as I prove anyone can get in.

I mean- there goes the neighborhood. LOL

Oh well... :)




Adult Fairy Tales ;)

11:02 Dec 26 2006
Times Read: 1,701

Adult Fairy Tales

CINDERELLA wants to go to the ball, but her wicked stepmother won't let her. As Cinderella sits crying in the garden, her fairy godmother appears, and promised to provide Cinderella with everything she needs to go to the ball, but only on two conditions. "First, you must wear a diaphragm."

Cinderella agrees. "What's the second condition?"

"You must be home by 2:00 a.m. Any later, and your diaphragm will turn into a pumpkin."

Cinderella agrees to be home by 2:00 am The appointed hour comes and goes, and Cinderella doesn't show up. Finally, at 5:00 a.m. Cinderella shows up, looking

love struck and very satisfied.

"Where have you been?" demands the Fairy Godmother. "Your diaphragm was supposed to turn into a pumpkin three hours ago!!!"

" I met a prince, Fairy Godmother. He took care of everything."

The Fairy Godmother stated, "I know of no prince with that kind of power! Tell me his name!"

Cinderella replied, I can't remember, exactly,

Peter, Peter, something or other..."


PINOCCHIO had a human girlfriend who would sometimes complain about splinters when they were having sex. Pinocchio, therefore, went to visit Gepetto to see if he could help. Gepetto suggested he try a little sandpaper wherever indicated and Pinocchio skipped away enlightened.

A couple weeks later, Gepetto saw Pinocchio bouncing happily through town and asked him, "How's the girlfriend?"

Pinocchio replied, "Who needs a girlfriend?"


LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD was walking through the woods when suddenly the Big Bad Wolf jumped out from behind a tree and, holding a sword to her throat, said, "Red, I'm going to screw your brains out!"

To that, Little Red Riding Hood calmly reached into her picnic basket and pulled out a 44 magnum and pointed it at him and said, "No, you're not. You're going to eat me, just like it says in the book."


MICKEY MOUSE and MINNIE MOUSE were in divorce court and the judge said to Mickey, "You say here that your wife is crazy."

Mickey replied, "I didn't say she was crazy, I said she's f**king Goofy." (THIS ONE'S MY FAVORITE!!)


SNOW WHITE saw Pinocchio walking through the woods so she ran up behind him, knocked him flat on his back, and then sat on his face crying, "Lie to me! Lie to me!"


Did you know ..Captain Hook died from jock itch.


One day, JANE met TARZAN in the jungle. She was very attracted to him and during her questions about his life she asked him how he engaged in sex.

"What's that?" he asked.

She explained to him what sex was and he said, "Oh, I use a hole in the trunk of a tree."

Horrified, she said, " Tarzan, you have it all wrong but I will show you how to do it properly." She took off her clothes, lay down on the ground and spread her legs. "Here," she said, "you must put it in here."

Tarzan removed his loincloth, stepped closer and then gave her an almighty kick in the crotch. Jane rolled around in agony. Eventually she managed to gasp, "What the hell did you do that for?"

"Just checking for bees," said Tarzan !!




Making the effort. :)

03:20 Dec 26 2006
Times Read: 1,707

“I see Kay made the dessert again.” Dad said. It is a cheesecake. Our family loves cheesecake.

“Yes. Must have taken her hours.” One of my sisters said. Dark chocolate cake with creamy cheese in the middle.

“I bet she was up all night making it for us.” Other sister’s comment. Top with chocolate frosting, chips and shavings on the sides.

“Good to know she made the effort again this year.” Mom said, sending all of them into laughter.

“Oh shut up…” My answer.

QVC- Junior’s Devil Food Cheesecake. We have a Junior’s cheesecake every year they put me in charge of dessert for the family dinner. They love to pick on me for it. LOL

I do the rolls too. Were do they come from? Kroger’s deli. Can’t get them from QVC, dang it. I have to go to the store for them. Do you know how much of a effort it is to go to the store? Close to the holiday?

LOL. :)




The Family Christmas. :)

02:51 Dec 26 2006
Times Read: 1,709

Family spent the morning and night together, as we always do. No gifts, as we stop buying those years ago. Let see… about eleven or twelve years ago. Tell you the truth; it just made our holiday better. The stress is gone from the holiday when all that is expected of you is spending time with the ones you love. :)

We watched the ritual Walt Disney movie, all camped out in the living room, me on the floor with my head on the sleeping dog’s full belly as a pillow. Hannah, the dog, snores like a train, just so you can get the whole picture. LOL So very Norman Rockwell…but I love it.

My family is not a very religious family. I mean- we went to church as children, Baptist. The youngest in the family, at the age of twelve or thirteen years old, when I said wish not to attend; my mother never forced me to go.

It has to do with the independent way she raised her children. Mom cannot tell us to think for ourselves, and then make us do something we wish not to do. I just laugh at the times she must have wished she never gave us as much freedom as we were growing up. Positive we caused her a lot of grief. :)

Tonight as we start the family ordeal of picking movies to watch, I had to smile. Fussing or not, I felt the love in the home I was raised in, surrounded by my family. Family is a treasure you should hold onto tightly, not just this one day of the year.

That is a gift I try to be thankful for every day of my life. :)

And to all, a good night.




Asking for Input. :)

23:32 Dec 24 2006
Times Read: 1,720

The comment was that I write my sexy stories to much from a women’s view. Well- duh! LOL I am one. However, I took the challenge and hope I gave you what you wanted.

I wrote this one just for the men. Those who do read the story please message me and tell me how I did. Hope I was able to…catch…how your reaction would have been. :)

Now- the story came from two different sources.

One was from a journal on VR that I read months ago. It has stayed in my mind and I knew I would have to take it from were it left off. I would put the person’s name- but I believe it would not be appreciated. Unless I hear different, I will leave this as is. :)

The second was a scene in Queen of the Damned.

The story title is Blood Bath.

If you wonder- another story came from a journal on VR.

Hard Drive came from a journal as well, but not the same one. And no way in HELL am I telling you were that came from, so don't even ask.





Sounds dirty... :)

19:58 Dec 24 2006
Times Read: 1,724

Top 10 Things that Sound Dirty at Christmas, But Are Not...

10. Did you get any under the tree?

9. I think your balls are hanging too low.

8. Check out Rudolph’s Honker!

7. Santa’s sack is really bulging.

6. Lift up the skirt so I can get a clean breath.

5. Did you get a piece of the fruitcake?

4. I love licking the end till it’s really sharp and pointy.

3. From here you can’t tell if they’re artificial or real.

2. Can I interest you in some dark meat?

1. To get it to stand up straight, try propping it against the wall.




X Files Night Before...

19:53 Dec 24 2006
Times Read: 1,725


by Frank Cammuso and Hart Seely



11:51 P.M., DECEMBER 24TH

We're too late! It's already been here. Mulder, I hope you know what you're doing.

Look, Scully, just like the other homes: Douglas fir, truncated, mounted, transformed into a shrine; halls

decked with boughs of holly; stockings hung by the chimney, with care.

You really think someone's been here?

Someone, or something.

Mulder, over here -- it's a fruitcake.

Don't touch it! Those things can be lethal.

It's O.K. There's a note attached: "Gonna find out who's naughty and nice."

It's judging them, Scully. It's making a list.

Who? What are you talking about?

Ancient mythology tells of an obese humanoid entity who could travel at great speed in a craft powered by antlered servants. Once each year, near the winter solstice, this creature is said to descend from the heavens to reward its followers and punish disbelievers with jagged chunks of anthracite.

But that's legend, Mulder -- a story told by parents to frighten children. Surely you don't believe it?

Something was here tonight, Scully. Check out the bite marks on this gingerbread man. Whatever tore through this plate of cookies was massive -- and in a hurry.

It left crumbs everywhere. And look, Mulder, this milk glass has been completely drained.

It gorged itself, Scully. It fed without remorse.

But why would they leave it milk and cookies?

Appeasement. Tonight is the Eve, and nothing can stop its wielding.

But if this thing does exist, how did it get in? The doors and windows were locked. There's no sign of forced entry.

Unless I miss my guess, it came through the fireplace.

Wait a minute, Mulder. If you're saying some huge creature landed on the roof and came down this chimney! You're crazy. The flue is barely six inches wide. Nothing could get down there.

But what if it could alter its shape, move in all directions at once?

You mean, like a bowl full of jelly?

Exactly. Scully, I've never told anyone this, but when I was a child my home was visited. I saw the creature. It had long white shanks of fur surrounding its ruddy, misshapen head. Its bloated torso was red and white. I'll never forget the horror. I turned away, and when I looked back it had somehow taken on the facial features of my father.


I know what I saw. And that night it read my mind. It brought me a Mr. Potato Head, Scully. It knew that I wanted a Mr. Potato Head!

I'm sorry, Mulder, but you're asking me to disregard the laws of physics. You want me to believe in some supernatural being who soars across the skies and brings gifts to good little girls and boys. Listen to what you're saying. Do you understand the repercussions? If this gets out, they'll close the X-Files.

Scully, listen to me: It knows when you're sleeping. It knows when you're awake.

But we have no proof.

Last year, on this exact date, SETI radio telescopes detected bogeys in the airspace over twenty-seven states. The White House ordered a Condition Red.

But that was a meteor shower.

Officially. Two days ago, eight prized Scandinavian reindeer vanished from the National Zoo, in Washington, D.C. Nobody -- not even the zoo keeper -- was told about it. The government doesn't want people to know about Project Kringle. They fear that if this thing is proved to exist the public will stop

spending half its annual income in a holiday shopping frenzy. Retail markets will collapse. Scully, they cannot let the world believe this creature lives. There's too much at stake. They'll do whatever it takes to insure another silent night.

Mulder, I ...

Sh-h-h. Do you hear what I hear?

On the roof. It sounds like a clatter.

The truth is up there. Let's see what's the matter.

Tune in next year to see what they found!




Me as a Elf? LOL

12:54 Dec 24 2006
Times Read: 1,734

What better to do when you can not sleep, and in bed all alone with your laptop?

ROFL... gods but I need help! :)





HTML... Grrrrr!!

05:31 Dec 24 2006
Times Read: 1,745

Pookahchu and Elder Daniel would receive hugs from me if I could reach them. ( As I have never talked to Elder Daniel- that might frighten him a little) lol

Pookahchu is a wonderful person. She is a woman who helps when you need it, but also tells you that you need to learn when she knows you can do it yourself. ;)

She sends you to the sites you need to study and offers to help if you need help. I have learned more about codes then I ever wanted to know. But I also knew she is there if I really screwed up, the reason I was brave enough to try. :)

And Elder Daniel Members Article on the HTML codes is a god send to those of us who never used codes, or programmed anything but a DVD.

Crux Shadows song Deception- been added to my portfolio. After about 9 hours of work, taking several breaks when my “Pissing me off” level got reached, the words “Why the hell are you not working?” slips out of my mouth, it is done. *Happy sigh*

However, I love the song, and would not give up. Guess pookahchu rubbed off on me. lol

Now tomorrow I will change the art on the profile, if I can figure out what I want. After a good night sleep that is.

Will never understand how people can do that all day.




Because of You...

01:20 Dec 24 2006
Times Read: 1,749

Kelly Clarkson song ‘Because of You’ lyrics that touched me.

Because of you…

I never stray too far from the sidewalk.

I learned to play on the safe side so I don’t get hurt.

I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me.

I am afraid.

I cannot cry because I know that is weakness in your eyes.

I’m forced to fake a smile, a laugh, every day of my life.

I don’t know how to let anyone else in.

I am afraid.

Trying to decide

Is it good?

Is it bad?

When I realized

The ‘you’ in the song

Is me.




Ma'am, Yes Ma'ma.

02:48 Dec 23 2006
Times Read: 1,764

On a ladder, handing kitchen chairs down, I hear “Kay, come here, quick.” I look over at one of the guys, standing at the back doors of the moving van. “Why?” “Just come here. I got something to show you.” I hand down the last chair and climb down, going to join the men who moved toward the back of the truck.

It is raining, has been since we left home at 5:00am. We are at base housing at Fort Knox, Ky. And what comes jogging down the sidewalk? A sexy male…wet tight t-shirt, shorts that hung off his slim hips. Nice tan legs, socks, tennis shoes. He wore a ball cap, Army branded across the front.

Biceps hugged by the t-shirt showed proof he worked out, was use to physical work, or both. The toned legs just made you think of the power he would have thrusting. Damn… think Harrison Ford in Blade Runner. :)

The physique could not be improved. Mmmmm... I liked!

“Thought you would want to see him.” “Oh my, my, my.” Laughter from the guys. The Army man just got sexier as he jogs closer. My guys moved back to work, the one who started this comes to stand in front of me.

“That is enough. Let’s get back to work.” “Sure, but remember I write the Christmas bonuses today.” I told him, straining to looking around him, “Now move it.” “Yes Mama.” lol

He moved aside as the others laughed, and that is when I saw him. He was standing in place, jogging, right at the door. Damn- but a strong jaw, a wisp of wet black hair over his forehead.

The eyes… Mmmm. Wet, sexy and power you can feel even at this distance. “It goes Ma'am, Yes Ma'am.” He smiled and the sexiness just jumped, his grey or light blue eyes sparkle.

“Thank you for pointing that out.” “Any time, sweetheart.” I swear - I creamed my pants.

He gave me a wink, I smiled, and off he went past the truck, going around as the walkboard ( ramp ) had the sidewalk blocked.

Damn! The side doors of the moving van are closed due to the rain, so I could not watch his ass as he went by. Shit- life is so unfair sometimes. :(

The man who called me over to see the sexy runner comes to me, putting his hands on my shoulders, turning me back to work. “Can we say Ho Ho Whore?” “Can we say jealous because no women are out jogging in the rain?

I do love when we go on the Base.




To be happy...

01:17 Dec 23 2006
Times Read: 1,766

Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect; It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections.




Water pump.

23:51 Dec 21 2006
Times Read: 1,771

I am with my father, who has just driven 2 hours to the job site, at a repair shop. I drove his pickup to the job, and the water pump is going out. Bearings, fan, busted radiator. Not a good thing. :(

It is after 3:00pm, and we are standing in the company of three mechanics, trying to get an answer if they will be able to buy, replace the pump today.

“You had to of notice the noise.” one of them asked me, in a “women should not drive" attitude. Gee- you think? I look over at my dad, and he frowned. I know what that meant. He was going to say something. *Warning bells, only repair shop in town. Only place to get it fixed, or have to tow it 90 miles. Fog Horn going off in my head. Do something!!* lol

Thing is- Dad drove the truck this morning before I did. I notice the sound this morning. I notice the vibration, how it was getting worst. I asked the guys I was with, and we checked once we arrived to the job site. Reason we are here now.

I am standing there-cold from the rain we worked in all day, wet, shoes soaked, tried, and hungry as a bear as I have not eaten all day. 9 Hours and the drive home still ahead of me. And I have to put up with this backward town attitude from them?

Dad step around me, but I put my hand on his arm. Dad was never one to allow anyone to talk down to me.

“Why of course I heard the noise. I felt the shake. I heard the fan. I even notice the more I raced the motor the louder it was. But you know us women…” I smiled and spoke in a “Country Girl” tone. “I just turned up the radio. Nothing wrong with the radio.” And winked at them. (This is a country song reference in case you missed it.) lol

And bite back the words "Assholes" lol Now are you not proud of me for that? :)

I did say this was the only repair shop, right? Known as biting your nose off.

They broke out in laughter. “Now- can one of you big strong men fix it for me? Today?” Think they got the hint, as they started to talk to me as they should of to begin with. :)

Jackson, KY is a very small town in Eastern Ky. As in "one red light on main street” small town. You have to understand this is just the way they are here.

They said yes, but found out they would have to order the part in. Have it fixed by noon Friday. To bad-, I am going to Ft. Knox, leaving at 5:00am.

Guess were I am getting to return to on Saturday morning? lol Dad did promise me a country breakfast of country ham and eggs. Mmmmm. Wonderful start to the weekend.

Now for a hot bath and a warm bed.




Day of billing. :}

23:03 Dec 20 2006
Times Read: 1,779

Time to help my sister with the billing. Sister as in blood sister. As in way to much alike for us to get along. lol

Some of the comments of the day:

“I refuse to do anything else till you go and get me food.” “And what does the princess want for breakfast?”

“Hitting the copier will not make it work better.” “Very true. But it makes me smile.” Whack! “Willing to bet the repair bill will not make you smile.”

“You said to add these figures, not those.” * insert look of “Kiss my ass”* “Do you want to do this?”

“Why is it every time you touch the fax machine it jams up?”

“I said bill for king box springs, not single mattress.” “What difference does it matter?” “A few inches, and about $ 4.00” “Sounds like a male.” * laughter *

“Why in the hell does the government need so much paperwork?” “Think about it.” “Oh yeah- it’s the government.”

“It’s time for lunch.” “You just ate a few hours ago.” “Hey- brainpower comes at a cost.”

“Why is the red light blinking on the copier?” “Because you keep hitting it?”

“I need to know what the fuel cost was back in May.” “How am I to know that?” “Not my problem, but need it for the fuel surcharge. Now…” snapping her fingers.

“Damn fuc-ing machine. You are pushing your luck with me. How would you like to be replaced with a nice new Cannon? I filled your paper tray and its shut. What is your problem now? You Son of a Pop machine, WORK!” Whack! “Slowly step away from the copier.”

“I said two copies of these papers, and three of these.” “Did not.” “Yes I did.” “Did not.”

The cherry on top? Country Music ALL freaking day. Need I say more?

So glad I will be out of the office for the next two days, even if I have to be up at 5:00 and 4:00 am.




VR higher up's take all the fun out of it... :)

21:06 Dec 20 2006
Times Read: 1,788

Sometimes the higher up on the Rave just takes all the fun out of it. LOL Seeing the comment on the Vamp Box about the new member DeathPenis, I just had to put my two cents in.

I know this comes as a shock to you, but I am one to tell people what I think. I just have to remind myself to do it politely. No meek mouse here. * laughter*

This person has a special place on my “pissing me off” list. The profile I viewed, but refused to rate yesterday gave me some dark dreams. And you know how I am about my sleep. :(

He used the racial slur I hate toward African Americans, and believed in the White Power groups. While I have no problem with gay males, I really did not like his attitude about his penis. The websites he linked were bad enough. Just made me go “Ewww.”

New moons always make me have some funky dreams. I do not mean good funky- but bad funky. Last night I was hunting my family in a war zone, with this DeathPenis having them. (Put yourself in the time of Hitler) I tossed and turned most of the few hours I did sleep.

So when I say his name on the vamp box as leaving rude comments-, I jumped on it.

Rating - I found a new profile with that picture, and the same name- but it was at the top of the new members list. Funny… I read and it was not the same profile. Cleaned up even. So he had started a new profile- but kept the same picture and name. Wonder why?

Still would not rate him- the little shit gave me nightmares. And I do not forget comments like those in his other profile that easily.

The subject ended, and I went back to rating some- checked the last ten…and who had come to visit just a few minutes ago? No rate or comment. Really- he did make the first move, right? I so enjoyed clicking on him, ready to lay his ass out… “No such user.”

Yeap… The higher up take all the fun out of it. ROFL. Just kidding. No need to give the little shit power over me, making me upset. People do that at work enough, and VR will not be that for me.

Just saying jerks like him just need to be blocked, and they will move on if they have no one to piss off. They feed off the drama, the anger.

On the other hand, do what I do. Do not rate them. Over 6,500 members, what is the chance he will find you?

However, he did stop by my profile. Be rude to not go over for a chat. I just wanted to say Hi to him. * Innocent smile, halo shinny in the sunlight* I promise I would of played nice.

*evil laughter*

And I am so in the mood to chew someone's ass.





17:07 Dec 20 2006
Times Read: 1,791

Walking from the parking garage at the airport this morning before the sun raise, I was having a pity party in my head. Drove 80 miles this morning, will be back to work in time to go to work at 8:00am. And missing my nice warm bed. *Yawns*

I walk into the airport and head to the airlines counter. Nice man behind the counter asks how he can help me. Dropping off a box of parts, heading off on a plane.

We start to fill out the papers, when he ask me were I am from. “Kentucky.” “Really?” “Born and raised.” Told him the town, and funny thing- he knows it. “But your accent. I would never place you from here.” :)

I have been told this more then once in my life. I have been told I had a “city” accent, in the city I am told I have a “country” accent. I do not fit in anywhere. :(

“It’s not an accent. I have a lisp. There is a difference.” He smiled, and told me it was cute. Ahhh hell. Now I can die knowing he thinks it is cute. lol

Sorry, I get grumpy when I have little sleep. Damn new moon and strange dreams.

But yes sir- I have a lisp, and the few friends I have talked to from VR even comments on it. Strange… I think I talk normal.




Should of got her a diamond...

15:59 Dec 19 2006
Times Read: 1,805

Menopause Jewelry

My husband, being unhappy with my mood swings, bought me a mood ring the other day so he would be able to monitor my moods.

We've discovered that when I'm in a good mood, it turns green. When I'm in a bad mood, it leaves a big fucking red mark on his forehead.

Maybe next time he'll buy me a diamond ..........




Her business?

01:48 Dec 19 2006
Times Read: 1,814

The Sandbox: The place were the cat does her business. Ok... I have a question. :)

Why is it a female cat?

Why not call it - The Sandbox. Were the cat does its business. LOL

* grumbles… pick on us females… males...*

Just kidding. ;)





Thank you to the three ladies.

23:05 Dec 17 2006
Times Read: 1,831

My profile is the work of three very special women.

One who is no longer on the Rave. Kat made my profile go from the basic to the wonderful. She did the codes, and set up the backbone of the profile.

When I wished to update the background, Chordewa step forward and helped me. She also did all of the portfolio.

Then today pookahcku helped me put music on both. Yes- it is the theme song from the Incredible Hulk TV show. LOL I have always loved the song, any piano music really.

I want to say thank you to these three women. You are all very special ladies.




Gift giving.

22:42 Dec 17 2006
Times Read: 1,832

Guide to gift giving:

For a man- something that can be assembled, fixed, eaten, or played with.

For a child- something that can be broken, eaten or played with.

For a woman- something that can be related to.




Jolly Santa. ;)

22:40 Dec 17 2006
Times Read: 1,833

Santa pick-up lines…

Hey baby, when was the last time you did it in a sleigh?

Wanna see my 12 inch elf?

I’ve got something special in the sack for you.

Ever make it with a fat guy with a whip?

I know when you’ve been bad or good, so lets skip the small talk, sister.

Some of my best toys run on batteries.

Interested in seeing the North Pole?

I seen you when you’re sleeping…and you don’t wear any underwear, do you?

Screw the nice list- I have you on my naughty list.

Wanna join the “Mile High” club?




Pissing off Santa.

22:35 Dec 17 2006
Times Read: 1,835

Ways to piss off Santa:

Build an army of snowman on the roof holding signs that say things like:

“We hate Santa.” “Move along Santa.” “Don’t even think it.”

While he’s in the house, find the sleigh and sit in it. When he comes back and sees you, tell him that he shouldn’t of missed that last payment, and take off.

While he is in the house, cover the top of the chimney with barbed wire.

Leave lots of hunting trophies and guns out were Santa can see them. Go outside and yell out “Look Deer! And he has a red nose!” and fire a gun.

Paint “hoof prints” all over your face and clothes. While he is in the house, go out on the roof. When he comes back up, act like you’ve been “trampled” and threaten to sue.

Decorate your tree with Easter eggs. Dress up like the Easter bunny and wait for Santa. When he gets there- tell him “This neighborhood ain’t big enough for the both of us”

Leave him a parking ticket on his sleigh.

Have a angry bull waiting for Santa. You think a red cape set off the bull…wait till you see what the suit does!




Do you hear what I hear? :)

21:42 Dec 17 2006
Times Read: 1,838

Christmas Songs for the Mentally Disturbed.

Schizophrenia- Do You Hear What I hear?

Multiple Personality Disorder- We Three Queens Disoriented Are.

Dementia- I Think I’ll Be Home For Christmas.

Narcissistic- Hark the Herald Angels about Me.

Manic- Deck the Halls, and Walls, and Lawn, and Street, and Stores, and Offices, and Town, and Cars, and Buses, and Trucks, and Trees, and …

Paranoid- Santa Claus is Coming After Me.

Personality Disorder- You Better Watch Out. I’m Going to Cry. I’m Going to Pout. Maybe I”ll tell you Why.

Depression – Silent Anhedonia, Holy Anhedonia All is Flat, All is Lonely.

Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder-

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock,

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock,

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock,

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock,

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock,

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock,

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock,

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock,

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock,

….better start again….

Passive-Aggressive Personality- On the First Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to Me (and then took it all away)

Borderline Personality Disorder- Thoughts of Roasting on an Open Fire.




What is my sex star?

21:33 Dec 17 2006
Times Read: 1,841

LIBRA Very pretty. Very romantic. - Well- not very pretty. Romantic? Yes.

Nice to everyone they meet. - Ahhh no. Kind of stand off, in person.

Their Love is one of a kind. - OK.... if you think so, I will not correct you.

Silly, fun and sweet. Have own unique sexiness. - Most people call it strange, odd. lol

Most caring person you will ever meet! - My gods- how stupid is this test?

Amazing n Bed..!!! Did I say Amazing in Bed? -

*blushing* No comment.

Not the kind of person you wanna fuck with... you might end up crying. - Well- that is true.

The most irresistible. - Sureee..... :) LOL

I just love these things.




3:33 am...

08:36 Dec 17 2006
Times Read: 1,849

Ever had a long night were you pass the point of sleep? I mean- I have been awake since 7:45 am or so this… no … yesterday morning. Worked showing the rental property, and out with my girls. :)

Around 11:00 pm, I was starting to get sleep. Just before 1:00 am, it hit me. The time when you go from sleepy to wide-awake. It is as if my body was fed up of telling me it needed sleep, and pays me back by removing the desire to sleep.

At 3:00am, I walk into the door of my home.

Now- If I can get my body to go to sleep. I am too old to stay up all night.

Unless I am working, being paid. (Get the mind out of the gutter, please. lol ;)


Pulls the newest Laurell K. Hamilton book into bed with her, and snuggles in to read a few hours.




Rubber Ban Man.... LOL.

02:43 Dec 16 2006
Times Read: 1,948

Watching TV show Ghost Whisper, just started …phone rings. Someone (wink wink… I did not say your name, sis.) is calling as she is driving home, a habit she is getting into. Remember the 900 number? I start the counter as we chat, enjoying each other’s company as always.

“Yule gift?” “As long as it does not involve air, rubber and being doll size.” “Oh my god…” *laughter * “Directions- insert this…” “Seen those air mattress on TV were the pump keeps the mattress full automatically? I have to have that kind. I hate when they go soft.” *laughter.* “I hate when that happens.”

“Do we even want to talk of a patch kit?” “I do like to bite. I can see him flying around like a parade float… sounding like a long fart as the air rushes out of him.” “Oh shit…” *Snorts*

“Tape a picture on his face… he can be whoever you want.” “ Mmmm… Bert Reynolds? He looks like he is made out of plastic anyway." *laughter*

“Chocolate.” “What?” “Condom flavor. Wonder if they come in chocolate?” “Oh no… you are not eating chocolate anymore. It’s the flavor of lettuce, no dressing.”

“Bit-h!” *laughter*

Notice it has been over 30 minutes now, and I am so lost on the TV show.

“Ohhh… did I cut into your TV time? Poor baby.” “Ohhh … you will pay..” *evil laughter* “I want him jumbo size. Heavy duty plastic.” Sniff Sniff. “Do you smell burning rubber?” *laughter*

“Remember the movie Working Girl? ‘A woman over 35 needs a cucumber in her refrigerator at all times.” “Well that is one way to get vegetables in you.” “Ewww that is soooo sick.” *laughter*

Lost signal…and calls back two times.

“How come the scene out of Pretty Woman keeps flashing in my mind? ‘I told you to not answer the phone. Then stop calling me!” “So you admit you are a hooker?” “Well duh! I am charging you for this call. Now what is that credit card limit?” *giggles*

“I will call you at 9:00am, that way you can go shopping.” “And why do you think I want to get up that early?” “And why do you think I care if you want to get up that early?” *laughter* “I will so kick you ass if you call me that early. You will not be able to walk.”

“So scared…NOT!”

“Ok baby. I’m home.” “That will be $” “Just come collect on it, honey.” *smiles*

I hang up the phone, happy, watching as Ghost Whispers credits run over the screen. Talking to my sister is never dull.

If he came with sound, I would love it, but make damn sure it has a mute button.





Codes, and ..... stuff... :)

20:30 Dec 15 2006
Times Read: 1,959

*looks at the silk background on my message center* Now how the hell did I do that? lol

Ok…. Well …ok. Hummm… I sent a message... but now I have it here? :)

That is new. Huhh… *smiles* If I had tried to do that, I could never…. How in the hell?

*shrugs* It is somewhat pretty. Think I will like it. Not much choice as I have no idea how to remove it.

Wonder if it would work on my Journal? Dare I try?

* Arched eye brow * Lets not push it. My luck with computers I would some how delete my account.

Did I tell you computers hate me? lol




Damn Martha Steward....

14:43 Dec 15 2006
Times Read: 1,969

Done. ^.^ Stamped all my friends profiles for the season. Had to enjoy putting the sweet, nice Hallmark style stamp on the dark gothic profiles. lol

Hey- do not blame me. Blame the Martha Steward gene in me. :)

*sigh* Cannot wait until Yule is over. I see some darkness on my profile coming up for the winter. Ok- Maybe one snowman. :)

* spits as if she has a bad taste in her mouth* Sometimes I am just too freaking sweet. :(

Good news- Connie called this morning and the woman in the car wreck yesterday was taken to the hospital, treated, and released last night.

* smiles *




Blessings of a warm day... :(

23:28 Dec 14 2006
Times Read: 1,980

I might have to give thanks for the 60+ degrees of the day. I know- me... the one who wants snow. Now I like the sunny fall day? But let’s tell you what happen to me today, and you will understand.

I left my house, rested and in a great mood from a wonderful night sleep. I step outside on the porch and turn to walk to work, as my father had my pickup, using it yesterday to haul some tree limbs off. For whatever reason, I stopped, turned back and went to my car. Nice day…dirty car…I see a car wash in my future. Backing out of the carport, loving the smell of a new car, even if it is close to three years old. Less then 20,000 miles- yes I do not drive the car much.

After finally making myself start to work this morning, I worked until 4:50pm, leaving the office to hit the carwash and the grocery store, before home. Driving along, the sounds of Kate Bush filling the car, I lower my sun viser as I follow a full size Chevy pickup. I remember thinking the sunset is bright enough to blind you when it happen.

The pickup veered off to the right side, ran over a curb, hit a utility pole. You know that sound, a sound that is never mistaken for anything else. Crushed metal. I watched its back tires lift up…and I do not understand how it happens, but the pickup flipped, ending up across the road. I slam my brakes on, coming to a hard stop. I looked up at the underside of the pickup. Frame, exhaust pipes, muffler. Notice when the person washes the pickup they do not wash the undercarriage. Odd how you notice things at the stupidest times.

I put the car in park, open the door and go toward the front of the truck. I see her thru the busted windshield. She was on her side, bleeding, and silent. I told her to stay still and help was on the way. Radiator fluid smell, steam rolling out of the crushed front. Blood on her lips, nose. A man came up to me, telling me he had called the police on his cell. I stood, not know how to help her when a local well-known rescue man comes around the back of the truck.

The local ambulance service office/ headquarters are less then a block away. I step back and let the professionals take over. I watched as a man climb to the top of the truck, and open the door that could be open. I asked if I can leave, rude I know. However, I'm trained to never leave an accident without talking to a police officer. Asked if I was in the truck, I said no. I was driving the car beside it. Told I was very lucky. I left, just now starting to be upset.

See- if I was driving my truck, I would never have been able to stop. I love my truck, but it is a 4-wheel drive, 86 pickup truck. I know what the truck can do after driving it for 20 years. I would of hit the truck hard, right in the frame.

I just hope the woman is ok. :(




Elves pick up lines.. :)

15:24 Dec 14 2006
Times Read: 1,985

I have made a few remarks about elves, so I found this and wanted to share with you guys. Hope it makes you smile.

Elf pick-up lines…

You would look great in a Raggedy Ann wig.

Get an eyedropper of tequila in me and I turn into a wild man.

No. No. I do not bake cookies. You are thinking of those dorks at Keebler.

I am a magical being. Can I try to make your top and bra disappear?

I have certain needs that cannot be satisfied by working on toys.

I was once a lawn ornament for ‘NSync. Want to meet them?

*I can get you off Santa’s naughty list.

* That is my favorite. lol




Just 30 minutes more...

13:29 Dec 14 2006
Times Read: 1,989

Woke up to the alarm this morning and rolled over to my back. House was nice and cold, I was nice and warm… just had to do it.

I can live without all the makeup, I can skip a few things I do in the morning and I can arrive to work on time, not 15 mins. early.

Went and reset the alarm for 30 minutes more. I curl back into bed, and went right back to sleep.

I love those 30 minutes. I don’t allow myself them often, but when I do… Mmmmm.

Those 30 minutes just make my day better.




Happy Cows. :)

22:01 Dec 13 2006
Times Read: 1,995

You know the TV commercial about the happy cows? “Happy cheese comes from happy cows. Happy cows comes from California.” Its for a cheese company. :)

Makes me wonder… does that mean our cows aren’t happy? Is the cows in Kentucky sad? Must be the reason why ever time they get out from behind the fence – they find their way to the middle of the road.

How about this? Instead of shooting them with steroids and growth hormones, how about we give them anti-depressants? lol

Bet we would have happy cows then.

I have a vision – me at the grocery store, at the meat counter, picking up a package of hamburger meat, asking the butcher, “Is this Happy Hamburger meat? I only want Happy Meat. And this roast? Is it from California?”

* laughter *




Chomp Chomp.

12:00 Dec 13 2006
Times Read: 2,003

From Nip Tuck TV show:

Beware of a weak man, as they will do anything for power.

Love that.

And the ham on the dead body. Brings back memories. LOL

Chomp chomp..

Sorry- have to watch the show to get that. But still love that line.




Coven forum question.

02:34 Dec 13 2006
Times Read: 2,010

If you had to make one barnyard sound every time you had an orgasm, what would it be?

Asked this question in my Coven.

They just love me, I know. LOL

See why I stay off the main forum? ;)

My answer- Cats meow. :0

But a real good man? He can make me make the sound a cat when it gets its tailed pulled. Hahhah... I am a sick kitty.




Wanted to cry.. :(

02:11 Dec 13 2006
Times Read: 2,015

Watched the news tonight and heard these words that made me want to cry. I mean- WTF?

High in the 60's this weekend.


Were is my SNOW!!!

* walks over to have a beer with RedQueen... mumble.. freaking winter... freaking sunny...60's... screw this.. I am moving north....*




Things you don't want to hear...

02:05 Dec 13 2006
Times Read: 2,016

# 5 Things You Don’t Want to Hear from Tech Support:

1. Duuuude! Bummer.

2. In layman’s terms, we call that the Hindenburg Effect.

3. Your problem can be fixed, but you will need a butter knife, roll of duct tape, and a car battery.

4. Press 1 for support

Press 2 if you are with “60 Minutes”

Press 3 if you are with the FTC.

5. Hold on a second, please… Mom! Tim is hitting me!




You might be a Jedi Knight redneck if....

21:31 Dec 12 2006
Times Read: 2,025

You might be a Jedi Knight redneck if ...

If he uses his light saber to cut the bottle cap off a beer.

If he ever said “These are not the beers you are looking for.”

If he ever said that the “Disturbance in the Force” was just last night’s baked beans and spare ribs.

If the inside of his house looks more like Dogobah then the outside.

If he ever uses telekinesis to pull his jeans up.

If the force isn’t the only thing that runs in his family.

If he calls Hank Williams Jr Master

If his landspeeder has a gun rack.

If he meditates to old CCR records.

If he calls Yoda his Li’l green buddy.

If he has ever said, “Anger…fear…aggression…Yankees…the dark side are they.”

If his X-wing has a still in it.

If his light saber has a beer can crusher in its base.

If he has more oil on his robe then in his astromech droid.

If he trims his beard and finds a Mynock.

If he has ever used a light saber to light the BBQ grill.

If he uses Jawas for a drink holder.

If he fights with a light saber in one hand and a spit cup in the other.

If he uses a Jedi mind trick to stop the beer truck.

If he uses his healing powers to clear up his VD.

If he thinks the best use of your light saber is picking his teeth.

If he ever lost a hand during a light saber fight because he had to spit.

If his Jedi robe is camouflage colored.

If at least one wing of his X-wing is primer colored.

If he can easily describe the taste of an Ewok.

If he can find no grammatical errors in the way Yoda talks.

If he thinks that Stormtroopers are just KKK members with really good sheets.

If he ever used the force in conjunction with fishing/ bowling.

If his father ever said to him “Shoot, son, come on over t’ the dark side…it’ll be a hoot.”

If he’s ever had his R-2 unit use its arc welding torch to get the BBQ to light.

If he jump-starts his light saber off a car battery.

If he beat the Gamorrean Guard in a “ugly” contest.

If his father’s name is Garth Vader.

If he got his light saber by sending in 750 Skoal lids.

If he’s ever beaten up Han Solo for lookin at his sister.

If he constantly mistakes R2 units for beer kegs.

If he counts B.O. as a Jedi power.

If he’s ever used a light saber to skin a deer.




Gave me a smile. :)

20:52 Dec 12 2006
Times Read: 2,026

Rating to give my mind a break and I find this quote from a new member:

“A good fireman always let’s you play with his hose.”

I know you are to rate on the content of the profile, the appearance.

I understand this.

But some times- I just give a 10 for the smile they give me. :)

Starts singing George Straits song ‘The Fireman’

“Well they call me the fireman, that's my name.

Making my rounds all over town, putting out old flames.

Well everybody's like to have a what I got.

I can cool 'em down when they're smold'ring hot.

I'm the fireman, that's my name.”

You can sing with me – but please get the twang right. lol




15:33 Dec 12 2006
Times Read: 2,028

Today is the day you thank what ever god you believe in for the wonders of make-up. :)

And aspirins.




Gone to the birds.

09:27 Dec 12 2006
Times Read: 2,031

Time: 4:30 am, and I have been up for an hour and half, rating, reading journals.

Moving on to reading Birds and Bloom magazine. Yes- the secret is out. I love to feed the backyard birds. Have six or seven birdfeeders, even. As well as planting herbs and flowers in flower pots on the porch.

At this time in the morning, you have to love to learn the herb saffron – takes 2,333 blossoms of the Crocus to make an ounce. No wonder it cost $40.00 an ounce. Dang.

Moths out number butterflies by more then 10 to one. Did you know that? I didn't.

And a Blue Jay, member of the crow family, has throat pouches. Always wonder how they held two or three peanuts at a time. I feed them whole unsalted and raw peanuts as treats. Lovely birds. I always loved the deep purple color of the chest area.

I find useless information that I will forget in a few days. lol :)

But I shared it with you and now you are smarter for it. :)

* yawns and moves on to Good Housekeeping. *




Is Hannah there? :)

20:04 Dec 11 2006
Times Read: 2,038

I picked up the phone and did the normal office greeting. “Hello. Is Hannah there?” Had to smile, as Hannah is our golden retriever dog. lol

It is a code- if they ask for Hannah that means it’s a sales call. Hell- she even gets mail. And no- I will not give her an email no matter how often its asked for.

“She is not here right now. Anything I can help you with?” “Yes. Is she the only person to handle ordering…?” It’s a sales call.

I fall back to one of the answers from the past.

“No. She does not have office hours.”

“She is here- but she is outside some were.”

“She is running around some were. Can I take a message?”

“Yes sir, I will tell her you called.”

“Why you can’t get her in the office. Must be nice to be the owner’s baby.”

“She just comes in and out.”

“She is at lunch right now.”

“She is gone to the beauty shop.” aka- groomer.

“She is at a doctor’s apt.” Vets.

“She is in a snippy mood. Might be best to call back later.”

“She is out chasing the cat right now.”

“She is with a customer.”

“She is taking a nap in her office and no sir, I will not wake her. She is the boss’s pet, if

you know what I mean.”

“She is taking a few days off to play.”

“She is staying at home because it’s such bad weather.”

“Last time I seen her she was going to town.”

“She is gone to the bank.”

"She is in a meeting."

"She is in charge of that. I don't want to get in the doghouse with her."

"She is all tied up right now."

What? Not a total lie… ;)





18:54 Dec 11 2006
Times Read: 2,041

Local University held the Annual Madrigal Feast this weekend. Elemental, Nightgame, some other and I went to this- our group’s yearly Christmas treat.

The event was different then the years before, was more singing of the carols, less theater as before. Have to say I missed that portion of the performance.

They were from the Oxford Book of Carols, an essential core of carols and hymns sung around the world.

I love the sound of a foreign language. To hear a song…makes you notice the tone, the expression of the performer, feel the words. See what emotion they bring from you. Sometimes its nice to not worry about the words, if that makes any sense. lol... most likely not. :)

Past Three O’clock - Never had the pleasure to hear before that night, but found it to be a lovely piece.

Food? Connie called it a pigeon, but it was a Cornish hen. Lol

Stilton cheese and ale soup- I loved.

Wassail is always my favorite- but I like a little brandy in it.

Plum Pudding with bourbon sauce- Mmmm.

Wendy’s single with cheese and a diet Pepsi afterwards for Connie.

Always nice to get out of the jeans and dress up, for me at least. You know how much I hate stairs. Add 3-inch heels. *growls* Forgot about those.

Great music, great food and great friends. What more could you ask for?





16:17 Dec 11 2006
Times Read: 2,047

Arrived this morning at work, to see my Dad in one of the truck. He is starting it so the diesel will have a few minutes to warm up, build up air for the brakes.

I decide to walk over and see if the $180.00 for the batteries was worth it. Walking up to the driver side, I hear the click…and the diesel smoke just poured out from the exhaust. That is great- but for this truck-, the exhaust runs underneath.

I am coughing a lung out and he jumps out of the truck. “Start on the first turn.” Smiling like a fool. Waving the fumes out of my watery eyes, I just kept coughing as he shut the truck door and walked toward the office.

His back to me… no- that is my Dad. I would not flip off my Dad. But I might have said something along ass, and how smart it was. lol

At least I come by it honestly. LOL




Long pause.

22:14 Dec 10 2006
Times Read: 2,062

The long pause made me almost cry. Sitting beside my sister- a sister of my heart, I had to say it touched me.

Nita and I was at her home, playing on our laptops, talking, and just enjoying being together. She notice my ex husband was online, and told me.

Let me have a minute here to tell a little background. Those who have read my journal know I did not have a happy marriage. My fault as well as his, I am honest enough to say.

I meet Nita, my sister, after my divorce, and she knew who my ex-husband was, went to collage with him.

Yes- small towns are just great for that.

About two years ago, they meet on a site, and they started to talk. He asked for some “Interaction” online, and she turned him down, saying she was friends with me. He had no problem with that. And yes- Nita told me what happen.

So here she is, telling me he is online. I have not talked to him in years, but his brother delivers freight to my work two or three times a week. Yes- small town.

I smiled and told her I could have some fun. Sign up as a name he would never guess, take on a fake ID and play with him. Have some payback.

She offered to give me his name and I laughed. I told her she knows I would do it- that I am just “evil, mean, bitchy” enough to do it. Why would you offer his name to me?

This is were the pause was. It last a good minute as she looked at me, then back at her computer screen. I knew she was thinking about what I just said.

Then she turned back to me and smiled, telling me I was right. Best not to tell me.

I loved that she had the minute of doubt, the idea that I would not do it. That there was some good in me.

I will not forget that pause.




Snow. :)

20:15 Dec 10 2006
Times Read: 2,067

Looking at Sahahria’s journal and had to smile at the snow. Talked to RedQueen of snow. Lots and lots of snow. White fluffy snow. Think I will look up were the closest snow is, weekend trip to play in the snow. * smiles *

Knowing my luck- the day before I arrived, there would be a record high- and all I would see is mud. I can stay home for that.




I wonder if I will ever...

19:45 Dec 10 2006
Times Read: 2,069

I wonder if I will ever run out of questions.

I wonder if I will ever find the answers.

I wonder if I will ever run out of strength.

I wonder if I will ever be who I am expected to be.

I wonder if I will ever be happy.

I wonder if I will ever live the life that I want to live.

I wonder if I will ever find love.

I wonder if I will ever love myself.

I wonder if I will ever just be me

I wonder if I will ever understand who that is.

I wonder if I will ever just accept.

I wonder if I will ever just let it go.

I wonder if I will.




Christmas VR style

04:34 Dec 10 2006
Times Read: 2,080

T’was the night before Christmas and all through the Rave

Not a creature was stirring not even a shade

The forum was filled with threads held so dear

In hopes that come morning they’d still be here.

The whelps were nestled all snug in their beds

While visions of sire hood danced in their heads.

Requiem in her kerchief and Stabb666 in his cap

Had just settled in as Dominar’s this night.

When out on the net there arose such a clatter

I sprang from my pc to see what was the matter

Away to the window I flew like a flash

Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash

The moon on the breast of new fallen snow

Gave a magical luster to objects below

When what to my wandering eyes should appear

But a bright red sleigh pulled by eight freaking deer

With a darkly cloaked driver so gothic, so cute

I knew in a moment the Prince had arrived

More rapid than bloodlust his orders they flew as

He messaged and shouted and called them by name

On ElderD and Images, on Jason and Daire

Now Darkness Bound, Now Nicnivian

And Deity, so there

To the top of the server, to the top of them all

Now dash away, dash away, dash away, don’t fall

As marplots that before the Acolytes do plead

For help to develop the skills they do need

So up to their computers the admin’s they flew

With a sleigh full of changes and the great Cancer too.

And then in a twinkle I saw it begin as each keystroke

And update made the vision expand.

As I drew in my hand and was turning around

In the vamp box was where Cancer was found

He addressed us all on the changes he’d made

And his image got tarnished from the complaints as they came.

Updates and improvements he had on his mind

And he brooked no argument as demands were made.

His eyes were aglow with the passion he felt

For the site he began and now guides so well

From his sexy mouth poured forth his wisdom

And his goatee-covered jaw was strongly set in decision.

He was tall and slender, a dark dream of Goth

His drive and intelligence, so sexy on a man

I found his dream intoxicating in spite of myself

A wink of his eye and a twist of his head

Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread

He spoke few words but went straight to his work

And fulfilling his vision, he turned with a jerk

And laying his finger aside of his nose and

Giving a nod, out of the box he arose

He sprang to his sled to his team gave a whistle

And away they all flew, just like a cruise missile

But I heard him exclaim ere he flew out of sight

Happy darkness to all and to all a fun night.

The above is obviously paraphrase of C. Moore's famous poem. We being, Vampirewitch39 and Nightgame just wanted to make a VR version for fun.

No offense intended as we both enjoy and care deeply for this home away from home and the people here.




Trouble calling. ;)

17:32 Dec 09 2006
Times Read: 2,085

Answer the phone and showing the rental house today, started this morning at 8:00am. Just love working the weekend for nothing. I know- its family, so… * Grumbles about duty *

The phone rings and I answer it with a dull, feed up “Hello”

He calls me my first name. My mind jumps to salesperson, as VERY few people know my full name.

“Yes?” Someone I can tell “No thanks, no interested. Please take me off your call list” before I hang up on him.

Then I hear it as he tells me who it is. Gods- talk about a flip! Smile on the face, my whole attitude changed. Have not talked with him in months.

Body reacts to him, as always. I do love the accent.

We just start to catch up when the connection is dropped. I reacted like a baby, saying “No No No” but he is lost.

Still a smile on my face. Makes my day when he calls, asking how I am, and concern for me. Still a good thing you are no were near me, as trouble would be found. But what a lovely way to be in trouble.

Miss you.




What are you up to?

17:10 Dec 09 2006
Times Read: 2,087

The message just makes me wonder. What are we up to now?

The old saying coriousity killed the cat comes to mind.

And the one about the cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

As I look at the message, all I can say is “Meow”

Now what to do with this?




Time for the girls to have a drink. :)

01:01 Dec 09 2006
Times Read: 2,106

Comes over and sits two glasses down, big ones. I twist the top to the bottle of whiskey and pour them full, half the bottle gone.

I hand one to you and the pick up the other one.

"Here's to all us southern woman who are not afraid to tell you to go to hell, a smile on our face as we do it. And shit- can even make you look forward to the trip."

winks and takes a good drink.

RedQueen :

*tips the glass* and here's to the women who can hold a beer, keep a cigarette in the mouth and STILL cuss out the sheriff who pulled them over...mazaltov...lol

how's it going Kay?

Later, after a few drinks:

ohmigod...*giggling* elf shoes and step cows and flaming snot rags of death-lol

Now that is what you call a drinking buddy. :)





Take my breath away...

15:28 Dec 08 2006
Times Read: 2,122

I walked out of my back door and onto my porch at 6:50am this morning and my breath was taken away.

The thin layer of snow on the ground.

The sunrise over the mountain.

The two bunnies that went hoping over the snow.

The crowing of the three “pet” rooster of the family across the street.

Knowing my car will start on the first turn, windshield clear as it is under shelter.

Seeing a day ahead of me- alone time with the stereo, driving, which I love to do.

What took my breath away of these? None. It was freaking 11 degrees outside! Brrrrr! LOL ;)




How many dog and cats to change a light bulb?

15:15 Dec 08 2006
Times Read: 2,124

How many dogs does it take to change a light bulb?

1. Golden Retriever: The sun is shining, the day is young, we've got our whole lives ahead of us, and you're inside worrying about a stupid burned out bulb?

2. Border Collie: Just one. And then I'll replace any wiring that's not up to code.

3. Dachshund: You know I can't reach that stupid lamp!

4. Rottweiler: Make me.

5. Boxer: Who cares? I can still play with my squeaky toys in the dark.

6. Lab: Oh, me, me!!!!! Pleeeeeeeeeze let me change the light bulb! Can I? Can I? Huh? Huh? Huh? Can I? Pleeeeeeeeeze, please, please, please!

7. German Shepherd: I'll change it as soon as I've led these people from the dark, check to make sure I haven't missed any, and make just one more perimeter patrol to see that no one has tried to take advantage of the situation.

8. Jack Russell Terrier: I'll just pop it in while I'm bouncing off the walls and furniture.

9. Old English Sheep Dog: Light bulb? I'm sorry, but I don't see a light bulb!

10. Cocker Spaniel: Why change it? I can still pee on the carpet in the dark.

11. Chihuahua: Yo quiero Taco Bulb. Or "We don't need no stinking light bulb."

12. Greyhound: It isn't moving. Who cares?

13. Australian Shepherd: First, I'll put all the light bulbs in a little circle....

14. Poodle: I'll just blow in the Border Collie's ear and he'll do it. By the time he finishes rewiring the house, my nails will be dry.

How many cats does it take to change a light bulb?

Cats do not change light bulbs. People change light bulbs. So, the real question is:

"How long will it be before I can expect some light, some dinner, and a massage?"





Does size matter to you?

11:25 Dec 08 2006
Times Read: 2,128

Since I wrote Eye Candy, I have had something on my mind.

Been thinking of some suggestive pictures I sent someone a while ago. Pictures of me before I lost the eight dress sizes. Why would I send him pictures of what I use to look like before?

There is that trust issue again. Testing him? Seeing if he wanted me for me, not the outer shell?

Been huge, been a size three, folks. Unless you have been at both ends of the scales, you will never understand.

When will people just judge you by what you are inside and not what you look like outside? I try my best not to.

I know – the Eye Candy. Done in fun only. If asked I would tell you I like a man with a little meat on him. (not a pun.) Its not the outer beauty that makes me like you, it is the inner beauty.

Oh, what happen to the guy? He broke up with me a few days later. Guess he did not pass that test.

When people ask me for a body picture- I think of him and say no.

Like me, or any person, for who they are, not what they look like.




She is...

03:51 Dec 08 2006
Times Read: 2,137

She understands when you tell her you almost lost your loosen ring down the toilet.

She understands that you ate onions for dinner, and give you your space.

She asks you out on a date, and then expects you to pay.

She is not afraid to hug, and say something sexy to you to make you smile.

She is one of two people who understand my strange moods.

She laughs louder when you snort while laughing.

She holds up three fingers and tells you to read between the lines.

She understands the inside jokes at the movies.

She skips from subject to subject and expects you to understand.

She understands when you skip from subject to subject.

She helps you get your hoody on when its stuck on your head, joking its like being born. Just push!

She wears her lovely ratty nightgown and still acts sexy.

She reminds you, in her loving way, that she is the one with the boyfriend.

She feeds you nuts, trail mix, and M&M all in the same bowl.

She expects you to like the above snack.

She makes you laugh, and feel loved.

She pulls your finger.

She accepts you for who and what you are.

She is not afraid to act strange.

She makes you glad you are alive.

She is my sister.

She is a best friend, and never lets me forget how lucky I am to have her.

She is wonderful.

She is missed when not with me.

She understands my smiles, and expressions.

She is love.

She is Nita.




20 Ways for a X Mas.

03:05 Dec 08 2006
Times Read: 2,139

20 ways to make a man's Christmas at its best!

1. Trim his tree.

2. Lick his luscious candy cane.

3. Be his "ho-ho-ho" for the holidays.

4. Polish his christmas balls.

5. Ride him like a reindeer.

6. Taste his sweet egg-nog.

7. Deck the halls with moans of pleasure.

8. Fa, la, la, latio- la, la, la, la.

9. Spark his menorah with a hot strip tease.

10. Request a stiff stocking stuff-her!

11. Make his Kris Kringle tingle.

12. Gift wrap yourself in sexy lingere.

13. Unwrap his package.

14. Hang mistletoe from any place you want kissed.

15. Rock his jingle bells in the frosty air.

16. Make your Rudolph's hose as red as his nose.

17. Heat him up with a snow job.

18. Give the Christmas carolers a show of your own.

19. Dress up as Santa's nasty little helper.

20. Make sure you're naughty, so it's nice.

* This is from a email of Nita's. I asked her to let me post as she is the saint and I am the slut. Lets keep that stright sis. ROFL...

As she is sitting right next to me, I expect to be hit when she reads this. LOL




Eye Candy. ;)

22:07 Dec 07 2006
Times Read: 2,143

Wanted: Chippendale’s dancers for the Vampire Rave. Just think about it. I do not know about you but it makes me all warm inside. :)

Oh, shit! * runs and goes get RedQueen soapbox. Places it on the floor and stands on it, getting her balance.* Knew I forgot something. Now I am ready. Were was I? Oh yeah…

Chippendales. I just think us women should have some beefcakes to look at. Am I not right ladies? ;)

I have rated the newest members and run across one with a young teen, modeling her underwear. Now- I have no problems with this… well… ok I lied. I do.

Nothing says respect me more then standing in your underwear, posing for picture, on a profile for everyone to see. * shakes her head*

Leave my stories out of this as they are stories people, not the real me. So stay off that topic, and on the one I have brought to you. See- me on the soapbox? All right then, moving on… lol

Chippendales. I just think us women should have some nice pretty things to look at as we rate, right Ladies?

And I have given it some thought.

Cancer puts a banner on the hunks website, maybe offer the VR boxers to lure them here. They would make profiles, adding to VampireRave membership.

More importantly- they will make portfolios. Lots of them. * smiles * Pictures of their nice tone, muscular bodies. Eye candy, oh yeah. * smile grows wider *

On the other hand, if some of the guys on VR would offer to add some steamy pictures to their portfolio. :)

I know of several I would love to see in their skivvies. I could name them, but… * blushing* Come on guys- do it for the better of the Rave. Hell- do it for the ladies!

Here’s hoping Cancer takes my suggestion and gets us more hunks to look at.

Or that our own guys bare it all, in the name of VampireRave membership, of course.

Trust me- I will respect you, even more after seeing you in your boxers. * winks *

* Hops off the box, taking it back to RedQueen.*

Singing the song by Bon Jovi “Wanted Dead or Alive”




Strange mood.

15:16 Dec 07 2006
Times Read: 2,150

Strange mood today. Trying to estimate how many hours of labor it is going to take to move #38 offices, basement to the main floor, using a small elevator, down the long hallway to the loading dock of the hospital. I hate doing estimates. Just let me do the work; do not ask me to do the thinking. *Sigh. Rubbing forehead as it starts too hurt.* But that is why I get the big bucks...* trying to laugh.*

Using the last 2 hours, some of it on the Rave calming my mind so I can think, I have decided on the time needed and the rate. Time to get off here and type the estimate up, another hour easy. Then the call with the price, answer the questions of the three people in charge of the move. Yeah- See the problems that is going to cause?

Even if I get out of jury duty- Most likely not going on the vacation as the first of the year as the hospital and the local health clinic both want moved at the first of the year. Joy.

If we get the jobs, that is. Our company so needs the income.

*looks out the window at the snow coming down*

Even that cannot cheer me up, so yes… strange mood.




Brrrr... its cold. :)

03:44 Dec 07 2006
Times Read: 2,161

Its 10:45 pm. I sit on my butt in my closet, and start to dig stuff out.

Pitched the bedspread over my shoulder, never seen on my bed.

Pull out the suitcases.

Tugs the big thick goose down blanket, throwing it out of the doorway, as I will need that tonight.

Finds the other pink bunny slipper I have been missing. * smiles*

Finds a sock.

Then I find what I am looking for.

“There you are!” Pulls out my Timberland work boots. Insulated. I hate when my feet are cold.

Forecast says temperate for tomorrow is in the 20’s. Artic blast.

*Friends laughing asses off as they read this- saying I am the one who loves cold weather. Come on- you know you are.*





I like them BIG. ^.^

02:38 Dec 07 2006
Times Read: 2,163

Need to release some stress? Do what I do and let the big bands take you away.

Bette Midler is my favorites. Turn it up loud, and start to feel the music.

You listen to the song Miss Otis Regrets, and Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy.

Tell me that does not make you smile and move your butt a little.

“Miss Otis Regrets she is unable to lunch today!”




One way street... and a monkey.

00:51 Dec 07 2006
Times Read: 2,165

The lights of the police officer’s car, siren blaring on the small town street made me look up in surprise. I see him behind me and I pull over, thinking he must want around me on this two-lane street. That was until he pulls up behind me. I turn down my stereo, thinking "Great. Now what?" as I have no idea why he was pulling me over.

I am at the third estimate of the day, and it is barely 10:00am. Letting myself have the twenty minutes before my appointment at the town’s hospital to do the estimate they requested, I was looking at the towns older homes.

These are homes around one hundred years old. Big, with the porches I love. I had just past the one we moved the people out of a year ago, seeing the for sale sign in the yard. I smirked- thinking someone reported me, driving slowly along the street, thinking I was going to rob one. I pull out my wallet as the young cop comes up to my window.

As I was driving ten, maybe twelve miles per hour, I was waiting to see what I did wrong. He ask for the usually, and I lean over to get the paperwork out of the glove box. “I stopped you because you are going the wrong way on a one way street.” Ok- I was not. I agree there are several one-way streets in the area- but I was not on a one-way street.

I hand him the papers, and told him I was not on a one-way street. “You are.” “No I am not. “You are.” “No I am not.” “You …” he stopped in mid denial and I could not keep the smile off my face. Don’t you love it when you make them do that? lol He tells me to stay put, and leaves me to run my license and tags. Note to self- Pissing off the cop does not help, but is really fun to do. :)

I sit, thinking of a commercial I have seen on TV. For a local car dealer, it’s a woman pulled over by a police officer. He tells her she was speeding, and she says to him “Really?” She pops the trunk and out comes the truck monkey. And yes, it is a real monkey. He opens the briefcase he is carrying and you see piles of cash. The cop looks at her and asks her if that was her monkey. She says “Maybe” and motions to the monkey again. He is holding out two donuts. It ends with the woman and the monkey in back of the police car. “Trunk monkey only available on cars purchased at ….”I never said it was cute, it just popped into my head. ;)

I smile, and then I notice something in front of me. The police officer returns and he tells me he is giving me a ticket. “But I am not on a one way street.” “Yes you are.” “I am not.” He gets that pained look on his face, and I knew he had enough of me. He hands me the ticket, and papers back, and I read the ticket. “Have a good day.” “Wait… I have a question for you. If I am going the wrong way on a one way street- then tell me why there is a stop sign ten feet in front of me, at the next street?” HAH!

He looks, and then looks back at me. “Have a good day.” Then he walks to his car and leave, going down to the stop sign, stops, and turn to the right. “Why you little mother…” Safe to say I was pissed. I deserve a whole lot more tickets then I receive, but I did not deserve this one.

I see its close to my appointment time, so I start my pickup and do as the cop did, making sure to stop at the sign. After an hour of big wigs, walking all over the hospital to see what they wanted us to do, I was done and on the way out of town. Guess what you pass on the way out of town? The police station.

I was in the mood to stop at the police station. I told the officer they brought out to talk to me what happen and he looked at the ticket. “Was you on this street?” “I guess so. I was in front of…” and I told him of the house I was looking at when the cop pulled me over. “That is not a one way street.” I could have kissed him! lol “I know.” He took the ticket, promised he would have it taken care of. I took his name, and left.

See- told you I was not on a one-way street. But the monkey commercial is kind of cute. :)




She growls. :)

21:25 Dec 06 2006
Times Read: 2,171

Just spent a few hours with my sister, Nita. Have to love a girl who brings you lunch, and makes you happy on a day that has been full of stress. She listens to me whine and bitch, and lets me just have my anger, waiting for me to “get the hell over it.” :) lol

After lunch she leaves to take a long nap at my house, leaving me to call and wake her up for her meeting later in the day.

After her nap ( and I know it was in my bed. ) she returns back to my office to visit a little more. All sleepy looking, grumpy and a little pissed.

She gives me the look of evil, telling me how I had NO caffeine in my house, or in my office. I just hold up the water bottle I am drinking from, telling her I have water. To try it- it is healthy. Evil look gets more pronounced. She is grumpy when she wakes up without her Diet Pepsi.

She also informs me that she hit my hiding places for chocolate at my house. I smile, saying that there were no sweets in my house. Another evil look, then swears she growled when I said there was fruit. Apples, raisins. ;)

The growls that come from her can make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. And NEVER make her go thur the Biltmore Estate with no food, but fudge, all day. You so want to trust me on that one!! ROFL.

Hint- If you ever around Elemental when she wakes up, have a cold Diet Pepsi and something sweet for her to eat. Makes your life easier.

Sis, the next time you surprise me with a visit and the need to take a nap at my house- I will try to have a Diet Pepsi in the refrigerator and snack size candy in the bowl on top of it.

Just because I love ya!




Being gullible. ^ . ^

02:03 Dec 06 2006
Times Read: 2,181

Time to let the last of my anger go, as I am so ready to move on. RedQueen and I have been talking, and I have to say she is a wonderful woman to talk with.

I see us as friends, as she understands me more then most. It is because of our age- I know. :) Thank you, dear friend. *hugs*

Talking with her I have come to realize why I have this little bit of anger still in me. Having been hurt, I turned inward, healing my feelings. I'm healed now, but still the little nagging anger stayed.

She helped me see what it was.

Gullible. Nothing like an independent woman being gullible. And nothing like that woman getting mad at herself for the stupidity.

Mad for not listing to my brain. Not listen to my instinct. I never trusted… funny how that one last safety mechanism would not give.

I do not trust many people- hell I can count them on one hand.

I can forgive myself, and am, as I let the last of my anger go. Time to move on, and learn from my mistake.




Threshold sub? :0

23:59 Dec 05 2006
Times Read: 2,189

Damn maybe I should redo that ad for a master. LOL

Threshold - sub
Your final tally: -3
During sex, you like to be the one who does the pleasuring or takes the brunt of your partner's desire. You can be domineering, but you prefer the submissive life because, hey, it's just fun. Now get to bed!

free online dating free online dating
Link: The Dom or Sub Test written by jesiange on OkCupid, home of the The Dating Persona Test




Ready to cry. :(

21:45 Dec 05 2006
Times Read: 2,193

It just hit me- If I am on jury duty for 3 months, starting on 1/4/07- I will not be able to go on my vacation. Ohhhh hell no!

I have not had a vacation in … *thinking* … four years?

* ready to cry *




Ahh... got to have SOME fun... :)

18:46 Dec 05 2006
Times Read: 2,201

Have to turn in this juror qualification form in the morning. Just had to have some fun with it:

“Have you or a family member made a claim for personal injury?” I smile and let my mind loose- I have a personal injury claim against the United States Government for the damage caused by Mr. George Bush, the speed bumps at the local McDonalds, and the mind reading waves the aliens are sending to my home by the internet. Does that count?

“Has a claim for personal injury been made against you or a family member?” There is that little claim against me for the grease I poured on the sidewalk at the donut shop. The pigs.. sorry, cops… were not to happy about that one.

“Have you or a family member been party to a lawsuit?” Hey, Party! I love parties! *Starts to dance in a circle with my arms out wide.* Whew! * Dancing the funky chicken. *

“Have you or a family member been a defendant, witness or complainant in a criminal case?" Sure! I am in the courthouse so often, the judge knows me by name. When the deputy sheriffs escorts me out of the courtrooms, I howler back to the judges “Hang them Judge! The voices in my head tells me he is guilty”

“Are you a citizen of the United States of America?” Sure- but for that time I was visiting… looks around and speaks softly… I was in the other world. * Winks* and puts finger up to my lips. Hush.

“Are you able to speak and understand the English language?” Now as this is written in English how stupid... Uhhhh… NO!

“Are you able to speak and understand the English language?” * Evil smile * HUH?

“Are you currently under indictment?” Hey- I do not ask you about your sex life! It is none of your business who I am under! Sexually Harassment! Hey- you know a good lawyer?

“Are you a convicted felon?” Define convicted. Define felon. It is all a conspiracy! I tell you- Conspiracy!

*sigh* Time to stop playing and do this. Nevertheless, can you see me on Juror duty? Me sitting still for hours? Me not talking for hours? I am so screwed without a kiss, as Connie said.




There is the Good and Bad news.

15:50 Dec 05 2006
Times Read: 2,208

Good news : First Christmas card for the season is here. Nice - made me smile. :)

Bad news: Then I found the summons to jury duty at the first of the year. SHIT! :(

Merry "F"ing Christmas to me!




Notes from Mom.

15:15 Dec 05 2006
Times Read: 2,210

Going thru the mail of the last few days, I find bills that belong to my mother. She has sent them to me, most likely by my father. My mother has bad arthritis in her hands; she feels uneasy writing cheeks, so I do this little chore for her. At the age of 80 years, the least I can do for her.

On the outside of the bill’s envelope she has written me a note telling me about some gas my father charged on the account, to pay it out of the company.

I look at my mother’s hand writing- the way it waves as she tried to hold her hand still. I started to cry for no reason…well… have you ever cried for what you know is coming? What you will have to face?

I put the note in my desk, in a file I have several more kept.




AlchemistDammed's work of wonder...

14:05 Dec 05 2006
Times Read: 2,217

I am able to share ( after begging him :) this piece of work by AlchemistDammed, here on the Rave.

I love his work, and this is one of the best pieces I have ever read. So very glad he let me share it with you.

Grove #1 - True Love.

The sun rises and the sun sets, seasons pass and

come again, lovers love and bonds grow deeper.

The valley breathed and sighed as each year passed,

one breath for each, a never ending cycle.

From high in the mountains the air swirled down into

the valley carrying its first cool arctic breeze.

As if the winter sprites had begun to waken, the

wind danced and played with the trees.

The branches of the large oaks swayed a gentle

waltz, shaking off their fading coats.

The rushing river drank the chill from the air slowing

just a bit as it traveled its course, destiny waiting.

A carriage parked on the valleys edged, two fare

maidens stepped out greeting the season.

High up on his perch an eagle took flight circling over

head inspecting his grove, spotting his guests.

The two lovers ventured down a hidden path, hand

in hand, mind in mind, enjoying the morning air.

The valley floor opened to them and the great oaks

welcomed them raining down soft gentle kisses.

The lovers embraced at the rivers edge, lip to lip,

heart to heart, their bare souls meeting as one.

Tender blessings exchanged from each of their lips

caressing each others natural beauty.

Their soft loving hands glided over each others

breasts making confessions of the deepest truths.

Their bodies entwine as one, their mutual pleasure

rang forth echoing through the valley.

The afternoon sun greeted the lovers; they looked

up smiling at an eagle flying high over head.

Across the river, two cubs played, their brown fur

glittering in the sun; the mother roared a greeting.

From up stream two water sprites played, chasing

dragonflies across the waters surface.

Next to the maidens three small squirrels

approached offering to share their winters hoard.

The sun rises and the sun sets, seasons pass and

come again, lovers love and bonds grow deeper.

The valley welcomed its guests each year they

returned, two fare lovers given a magical home.

With each visit the eagle flew over head, the lovers

smiled and bowed their heads greeting their host.

Years have passed sense they first started to arrive

but like the seasons they always returned a new.

Hand in hand the lovers passed into the Valley, older

now, with a more elegant and mature beauty.

The valley floor sensed something different, they

walked apart, bitter words swirled around them.

The grand oaks stayed quite in the wind, the sprites

kept their distance, the eagle let out no calls.

The river slowed as the maidens approached,

desperately trying to hear their words.

The eagle up high cried out a warning, an intruder

approached, a dark knight was at his groves edge.

Brambles grew up, mist quickly formed, the knight

was pushed back, no welcome was given.

A dreadful cry struck the air, one fare maiden was on

her knees with out stretched arms, pleading.

The other walked away quickly, sorrow in her eyes

to join the knight and strolled away on his horse.

The day turned into night and was greeted by

hollowed screams and heart wrenching fright.

The loan maiden sprawled on the bedrock her

natural beauty hidden from site once more.

Her cries never ceasing, darkness composed onto

her face and storms formed in her eyes.

Silence hit the air, the maiden sat with a stare, the river’s

mist embraced her sorrow, she slowly moved.

The eagle took flight once again, desperation in his

his cry; the fare maiden ignored his song.

She once again embraced the valley with her natural

beauty, knelt at the waters edge and touched her reflection.

With storm filled eyes she welcomed the darkness. Silently,

with drawn blade in her other hand she touched her heart.

The river caught her collapsing form, the night air

caught her last breath, the Valley stood silent, the

river turned red.

The sun rises and the sun sets, seasons pass and

come again, lovers love and bonds grow deeper.

The valley welcomed its loan guest, a visitor once

forgotten, a magical home once abandon.

The valley floor sensed sorrow and grief, the grand

oaks looked on worried and in disbelief.

The eagle flew and spotted his guest, battered and

torn this once fare maiden had lost her beautify.

With twirling motions of shattered hope the maiden

spun and danced, searching around in desperation.

She collapsed at the waters edge looking around, the

valley had not changed, its beauty remained and

the eagle still flew over head.

Slightly down river she spotted a small hill and a

small tree growing at the waters edge.

On hands and knees she crawled, sacrificing comfort

and offering tears of sorrow to the earth.

She embraced the earth at the base of the young

tree, her heart began to find its answers.

She looked down into the water seeing her

reflection. Broken shoulder from countless falls and

bruised eyes from darker and sleepless times.

The once fare maiden looked away, the ground

welcoming her tears. The water began to stir as a

spirit woke from its long slumber.

The battered maiden felt the earth move below and

the water revealed what she was pleading for.

High over head the eagle flew looking on with

curious eyes. The valley floor granted his

demand and remained silent.

The water swirled to life as hope drifted into the air

and old passions once again began to stir.

Her tears continued to flow forth, her pleadings

never ceased. She spoke solemn words reinvoking

forgotten promises.

The earth trembled once more at the base of the

tree and she removed a gift from its roots.

The wind caught a chill and carried it down to the

waters edge, the valley shivered but stayed silent.

The battered maiden continued her chant and

revealed her natural beauty to the valley.

The oaks stirred over head letting lose gentle kisses

the maiden knelt and touched the waters edge.

With one silent motion the blade touched her heart

the maiden welcomed her forgiveness. The river

caught her falling form turning red once again.

The sun rises and the sun sets, seasons pass and

come again, lovers love and bonds grow deeper.

The valley breathed and sighed as each year passed

one breath for each, a never ending cycle.

From high above the eagle swooped down teasing

the air sprits that danced with him.

Below him, at the rivers edge, two beautiful trees

had grown up together entwining themselves as one.

Copyright: AD 2006

Revised and Edited: Version 3

See- told you it was good... :)




Rating time. :)

00:15 Dec 05 2006
Times Read: 2,227

As always- done in fun only, nothing personal. Rating the new members and these stuck out.

“I create emotional walls, not to keep people out, but to see who is willing to break them down.” - I love this one.

“The long hard road out of hell” - I bite my lip…fighting the urge… and just let one word slip - Snowball! :)

“If this is a mask then where is my face or is my face a mask?” - I see myself reaching over and pulling hard on his nose. Mask or not? Let’s find out. Pulls... lol

“”Knowledge speaks, wisdom listens”- What did you say? I did not listen, but asked a question… so…? What am I? Yes- I know I am a smartass. :)

“Drinking the blood of virgins is the way to live immortally.” - Anyone else see a cheap TV commercial? A bottle of blood, a virgin selling it in a white swimsuit. Or a basketball player, as in a sport drinks. Ok… guess that was just me. lol

“Beer is good.”- And what about the blood of a virgin? Hahaha

“I’m a Barbie doll from hell.” Covers my mouth to keep the snowball joke from coming out, and starts hearing that song in my head… “I’m a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world…” Now that is HELL!

Now I have that song stuck in my head!




Stepping Stones.

22:52 Dec 04 2006
Times Read: 2,231

I have added several journals to my favorites. Funny, poetic, educational, and touching with emotions. I enjoy all of them, but three that I check everyday.

Two are my sisters- Elemental, and Nightgame. Receiving a glimpse into their day, their feelings lead me to be a better friend. I hope.

Sometimes I think my own journal is a curse for that very reason. While I have nothing to hide from my sisters, still… do you not like to just write? To get a though, emotion out of you? Why you feel that way?

The third is a very funny, sarcastic person. This journal makes me smile, seeing a person who is as much of a smartass as I am. Then, a softer side is shown, if you care to look for it. In that, we have a lot in common.

I have been reading another, but this time using what I have learned from the others I have read. This time- I am going in order.

To me journals are stepping-stones, if you will. That you felt the desire, the need to enter your words in writing, shows that day meant something. Be it happy, sad, or bored, you felt it, and you wrote about it.

This person’s journal I am reading from the first entry to the newest. For to understand were a person is now in his life- you have to see were he comes from. And this person has a very interesting life.

This is how I like to read a journal, understanding the words are not so important, as is the feelings hidden in them.




Sis is a Sire!

21:55 Dec 04 2006
Times Read: 2,236

My sister made SIRE!!! Way to go Connie. I message you to see if I need to delete the dream story- and you call me to tell me you made sire as if it was nothing!!!

Hell- I see a party! Way to go sis! Proud of you!

Now I have to think of some sire jokes… cannot let you get too much of a big head. LOL

This day is just getting better and better.

* Still doing Snoopy happy dance * :)




Happy dance.. lol

21:37 Dec 04 2006
Times Read: 2,238

Delivery to the new schools cafeteria went off with out a hitch. I did not drop the mixer this time- even using a forklift I was not use to.

* Snoopy happy dance * :}




Christmas mornings of my past.

01:17 Dec 04 2006
Times Read: 2,243

Remember the Christmas mornings of your past? As a child- you try to stay up the night before, determined you were going to see Santa. Go out and pet the reindeers, ask for a ride in the sled. I do. I remember closing my eyes, telling myself I would only rest them for a minute.

And waking up early that morning having missed him. Running into the living room to see the shinny wrapped boxes under the tree, the big bulbs flashing on the tree. Finding the cookies and milk gone. I would run into my parent’s room, and go to my mom’s side of the bed, shaking her, saying in excitement “Wake up. He was here. He was here.”

My mom would wake up, sending me to wake up my sisters and brother. Within minutes, we are in the living room, waiting until mom and dad both were there. Then we start ripping into the paper, tearing into the gifts that Santa brought to us.

You remember those mornings? The warmth of family, of love?

I have today, as I updated my profile. But then it hits me- the cost of that morning. The time it took my mother to buy those gifts, having five kids at home. Unlike other families-, Mom had plenty of places to hide our gifts so we would never find them, sneak a peak. Truly, Santa brought them.

As I look back- I recall Dad looking at the toys like it was the first time he had seen them, most likely was. Doubt if he every picked one out for us, as he usually arrived home a few days before and left a day or two afterwards.

I remember how I felt when my older sisters told me there was no Santa- that Mom did it all. I remember the year that Santa stop bringing the toys to us, the gift tags read from Mom and Dad. Before we had received toys from Santa, clothing and shoes from Mom and Dad. Did that change the vibe of those mornings? I have to say yes. The magic was gone.

I have realized it was the love of those mornings that was to be treasured not the toys or gifts. Something I have to remember this year.




Mmmm Mmmm

08:16 Dec 03 2006
Times Read: 2,251

It is after 3:00am and I just woke up from one hell of a dream. Wow. Its times like this that I wish I kept chocolate in the house. Mmmm Mmmm good. :)

Who knew I had a thing for computer codes? * smiles *

Question is- do I go back to sleep and see if the dream continues?

On the other hand, get up out of bed and do my workout, giving my body the movement it needs at this moment?

What would you do? Yes- I agree. Lets go back to sleep. ;)




Squirrels in the belfry... no that's not it. *sigh*

03:13 Dec 03 2006
Times Read: 2,255

I went to my PhotoBucket account I share with my sister Connie, thinking it was time to pick out my Yule profile art and stamp. And what do I find? Squirrels! LOL

I have rodents in my album! :) Funny as hell, got a few laughs from them, but had to wonder what the hell is she saving those for?

Then I remember what house she is in, so I just shook my head.

What is the saying about squirrels? All I can think of is bats in the belfry. It was something about their nuts… oh well.




Dear Santa.

22:50 Dec 02 2006
Times Read: 2,263

Dear Santa,

I know this is early, but it seems my letters keep getting lost. (Sneaky elves. Always said to never trust a person who would wear those shoes. )

Life is great. Family is still well and driving me crazy some. Friends are still putting up with me, and please note that when you judge them as naughty or nice. I have pushed them some this year. ;)

However, lets move on to the important subject here: My list!

What do I want for Yule?

Health- last 50 lbs off my ass and hips. If you could make Dove candy calorie free, I would love that. :)

Wealth- Hmmm… I have bills, but they are not too high. So- you can work on that candy thing for me, right? lol

Happiness- *smiles* I am happy. If someone from Texas would visit that would make me happier, but I will not hold my breath. Back to the candy thing…

Overall, I am happy with my life, and would not change a lot. I mean - world peace, goodwill toward men and animals, and love to all goes without saying. Should I of put that first in my list? * laughter *

Hope a lump of coal is not in my stocking. :0

Hope to see you soon and the cookies will be waiting for you. If I can keep myself from eating them. Suger cookies with Dove chocolate pushed down in the warm center. Mmm Mmm. You might not see those after all. lol

Hugs to Mrs. Clause, and keep a eye on the elves.





Sex Goddess. :)

19:53 Dec 02 2006
Times Read: 2,267

Had a message this morning from a friend about my writing, and I broke out in laughter. The comment was that I “radiate sensuality” :)

I am sitting in my living room, in my recliner, looking past the laptop sceen at the hole in my sock, with the little toe sticking out of it, nail polish chipped.

Wearing the sloppy sweat pants that are way too big, but comfortable as hell. Loose sweater that has a rip at the shoulder, and falls down over my butt when I stand, sleeves shoved up to the elbow.

I touch my face- the mask almost dry enough to remove, and still have 18 minutes on the dye in my hair. Then spend five minutes getting the mask and hair dye off my glasses.

Yes- I just radiate sensuality. ROFL :0

FYI- when I do write the stories, I am in this very outfit 99% of the time. But for the hair dye and mask, of course.

Yes- had to share that image with you.




Would not hurt . :)

16:57 Dec 02 2006
Times Read: 2,273

Rating profiles this morning- oldest to the youngest. I started this before, as Pretty Violence told me once that was the best way to rate. *sigh* I still miss my user levels.

I know I know – I have told you this several times already. lol Last time I will whine, promise. But I will keep the cheese and crackers. lol

If you do pull the profiles up this way-, you see the people who were the foundation of this site. Cancer, of course. ( And no- I did not go re rate. The man intimidates me a little. :) lol ) But then you see Elder Daniel, Dark Admin, Daire, Requiem, Khayman, ect.- people who to this day is still very active on the site.

Who surprised me? Morbid Delite and Nightstalkervamp. Morbid was one of my first friends on the site, talking to me often. Who knew?

Makes you wonder how the site started. I mean- were they friends before the site? How did Cancer build the membership? As most are still here after all this time, should tell you something about the site, and the people.

In a way, glad I am rating this way. Would not hurt everyone to see whom help started and has kept the Rave going all this time.

Would not hurt us at all…





23:12 Dec 01 2006
Times Read: 2,280

Best laid plans of mice and men. Is that how the saying goes? *yawns, rubbing my eyes* Sorry, but got very little sleep last night, so this entry is not going to make any sense. The other entry’s that made no sense? lol Ok then, sometimes I make no sense.

As I hit town, I went to a local grocery store to pick up a cold sandwich for breakfast/lunch. The woman behind the deli counter was an old schoolmate of mine and I hated her then, as I do now. “So you still working for your parents?” in that little snobby attitude she always had. Funny thing - her looking over that deli case as she asked me that just made me smile.

But lets start this from last night:

Had the girls over for dinner and once I let it out that I was doing a courier run later in the night- they left out of here like cats with tails on fire. I know they left so I could get a few hours sleep, and I did. I slept for two hours, then up and left for the 40-mile drive to do the pickup. Movie theaters at 1:00 am are lonely places. Why do they never open a door? I see them walking by the lobby, talking as I pound on the glass. But do they stop? Nope. I knock again as one goes to the bathroom, but he acts as if he does not see me. Now I have a question… what do they think I am there to do? Its 1:00 am in the freaking morning. The two cars in the parking lot tells me the place is empty. What- I am selling Avon?

When he comes out of the bathroom, I knock again, only to have him turn away. Fu-k that! A good sharp kick to the metal at the bottom of the door makes him turn back around. He comes to ask me what I needed, and I said I was there to pick up the movie “The Queen” Well- guess what? Going to be twenty minutes…funny as that is the length of time it takes to rewind and pack these things. In other words- they forgot I was coming. Not so sorry I kicked the door now.

I sit in the car, knowing if I return home I would get a total of 3 hours sleep before I had to wake up and start the trip to Ohio. Cincinnati at 8:00 am traffic rush? Nah. At 3:15 am, I hit Cincinnati, and was at the movie theater in West Chester Ohio by 4:00am. A nice, higher end, new theater called the Rave. Had to smile at that one. I get the blanket out of the trunk and settle in for a long sleep as the delivery was set for 9:30 am.

Not an hour later when the storm hit. Sixty-mile winds. Winds that damaged property, knocked out power lines, and traffic lights. Wind that rocked my car, rain that sounded like a carwash. So the best plans goes to hell. I did sleep a little, and made the delivery on time.

On the way home, I made several phone calls I needed to make for work, and knew I was facing at least 3 hours to load the third commercial kitchen we are delivering on Monday morning, early. Knew I would not see my home or bed until dark, so I stopped to get a turkey sandwich, only to find this bitch asking me the question she loved to ask me. See- she was in a clinch of girls in school, who hated me, thinks I have everything handed to me. She thinks I sit on my ass and just do nothing. It does not usually get to me, but today I just had enough.

She gives me the sandwich and I thanked her. Then I just had to give her a little back. “See you didn’t get that law degree. Or was it doctorate? Or marriage to a rich man, popping out some kids to tie his money to you for years?” I left her, saying as I turned, “Bitch” As I said- lack of sleep makes me very blunt.

I just need to get some sleep.

I should have stayed off the forum. Maybe I can find a Dominar to delete my post to the General Discussion thread. * sigh * Too late- it’s been there for hours now, so…

I just need to get some sleep, and not worry about the plans, mouse, or men. I am blunt when I am tried, but I also call it like I see it. You want to debate me on that- then tell me.




Young whelp or not...

20:29 Dec 01 2006
Times Read: 2,287

I do not agree with sharing personal messages, or IM's, but I wanted to share what I found in my message center today. It is from a Whelp name Blades667.

"since i am a young whelp i will just send the message instead of a bite"

I wrote back :

" Young Whelp or not- you impress me in a way you would never understand. I am adding you to my friends and rerate you with a ten. Hope we can chat some."

Could this be a gentleman among the Whelps? We shall wait and see.



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